Site Meter Hackers™: Acne Explained and How to Prevent Outbreaks


Acne Explained and How to Prevent Outbreaks

Believe it or not, acne affects nearly 60 million in the United States. We've all experienced some kind of acne in our lifetime. Be it mild or severe. Plus, most people believe that it only affects teenagers and young adults, but that is NOT correct. Adult acne is most definitely a reality.

What causes Acne:

Your skin produces sebum, an oil that helps keep the skin soft and smooth, and acne occurs when dead skin cells block pores that prevents distribution of sebem and it eventually fills up with oil and a pimple is created.

Type of Pimples

- Comedones, or plugs, are pores that become blocked with blackheads. These blackheads turn dark because the pore is open to the air. Most common place to find comedones are the nose, forehead, and cheeks.

- Populopustular, also known as papules, which are smaller, red pimples that are a little painful.

- Nodular, also known as nodules are larger, harder, and painful pimples that are filled with pus. Unlike papules, which are close to the surface, nodules develop deeper in the skin.

Dermatologist classify acne into four grades, one being the mildest and four being the most severe.

Acne Treatments

If you have the first two levels of acne, you can usually treat it with over-the-counter products that contain benzoyl peroxide. While it works, benzoyl peroxide will also dry out your face, so it's wise to use a mild moisturizer as well.

If you have the third and fourth levels of acne, then you will have to see your dermatologist for a more intensive treatment. Moderate and severe acne can cause acne scars.

Tips To Help Prevent Acne

1. Drink Plenty of Water: This is an obvious one. Water is terrific for the body and while it won't cure acne, it will help you keep your skin and body flushed from toxins. Eight glasses are preferred per day.

2. Maintain Stress Levels: We all go through stress, but when it gets to an unhealthy level, your body under goes changes which can trigger pimple outbreaks. Try to take a moment and calm yourself down.

3. Don't Squeeze or Pick at Pimples: It's hard to do, but squeezing or picking at those pesky pimples can do more harm than good. You can damage the healthy skin tissue around the pimple and make it worst.

4. Diet: While studies have never shown that eating chocolate and greasy foods triggers acne, keeping a balance diet is good to for your body and skin. Eating green leafy vegetables and fruits can help give you the nutrients to getting clearer skin.

5. Get Enough Sleep: Sleep is the king of healing. Your body needs time each day to heal. If you don't get enough sleep, it can put stress on your body and can cause acne outbreaks.

There you go with some helpful tips on helping you get on your journey to clearer skin. Remember, if you suffer from moderate to severe acne, go see your dermatologist immediately, so they can give you a more intensive treatment. It's always easy to prevent acne than to treat it.